How to See Which Files Are Taking Up Space Mac

As someone who relies heavily on their Mac for various tasks, there comes a time when you realize that your storage space is running low. It could be as a result of downloading files, documents, music, pictures or videos over a long period, resulting in the need to find a solution to clear up space. One way to do this is to identify which files are taking up space. However, this task can be daunting when you have a lot of files on your Mac and don’t know where to start. Fortunately, there are some methods that you can follow to identify which files are taking up space on your Mac and delete them to free up storage.

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What’s Needed

Before you begin, make sure that you have a Mac computer and access to it. Additionally, you need to have some free time to go through the process since it might take some time to check and delete the files.

What requires your attention is…?

A few things require your attention before you start the process. Firstly, you need to be careful when you are deleting files – make sure you don’t delete important files that you need. Secondly, it is important to back up your data in case you accidentally delete something important. Lastly, you should double-check the files before deleting them to avoid deleting the wrong file.

Method 1: Use Finder to Identify Large Files

You can use Finder to identify large files that are taking up space on your Mac. This process entails:

  1. Go to the Finder on your Mac and select "File."
  2. Choose "New Smart Folder."
  3. Click on the plus sign "+" in the search area.
  4. Select "File Size."
  5. Choose "Greater Than."
  6. Enter the size of the files you wish to search for and click on "Save."
  7. The smart folder will display all the files that meet the criteria.


  • The process is quick and easy to follow.
  • You can identify files of a specific size.


  • You might not be able to identify each file that takes up a lot of space if the files are not comparable.

Method 2: Use Terminal Commands

You can also use Terminal commands to identify which files are taking up space on your Mac. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open Terminal on your Mac.
  2. Type in "cd /" and press enter.
  3. Type in "sudo du -x -d 1 -c." This command reveals the size of the subdirectories for "/."
  4. The terminal will display the subdirectories and their respective sizes.
  5. If you want to see the size of other directories, add the directory path to the command. For example, "sudo du -x -d 1 -c /Users."


  • You can identify files quickly through the Terminal.
  • It gives you an overview of your file system.


  • If you are not comfortable with Terminal commands, it can be challenging to follow this method.
  • You might accidentally delete system files if you are not careful.

Method 3: Use Third-party Apps

Additionally, you can use third-party apps to identify which files are taking up space on your Mac. Most of these apps are easy to use and provide you with detailed information on which files are taking up much space. Here are the steps:

  1. Find relevant apps online e.g. Disk Inventory X, Daisy Disk, et al.
  2. Install the app of your choice and open it.
  3. Select the drive you want to scan, then wait for the app to scan and analyze the files.
  4. The app will display the largest files on the drive, making it easy for you to decide which files to delete.


  • You can get a detailed view of files and storage space used on your Mac.
  • It’s easy to use.


  • Some third-party apps can be quite expensive.
  • You have to be careful when downloading apps from the internet since you might download malware or viruses.

Why Can’t I See Which Files Are Taking Up Space Mac?

  1. You might be using an older version of Mac, which lacks the functionalities to show storage space used.
  2. Your hard drive might be damaged or corrupted.
  3. You might have run out of space on your Mac, preventing you from installing new apps to help you locate the files.


  1. Update your Mac to the latest version.
  2. Run system diagnostics to check and fix any faults with your disk drive.
  3. Free up some space on your Mac by deleting unneeded files, and then install an app to help you locate the files that are taking up space.

Implications and Recommendations

Freeing up space on your Mac has several implications. Firstly, it will enable your Mac to run faster and more smoothly, especially if you have been experiencing challenges with speed. Secondly, it will ensure you don’t run out of space when you need it the most. To this end, here are some recommendations to help you free up space on your Mac.

  1. Regularly go through your files and delete any unnecessary ones that take up a lot of space.
  2. Use an external hard drive to store larger files: You can transfer files such as music, documents, and videos to an external hard drive to free up some space on your Mac.
  3. Use cloud services: You can also store files on cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud to save space on your Mac.

5 FAQs

Q: Is it safe to delete files on my Mac?

A: Yes, it is safe to delete files on your Mac. However, you need to identify and delete irrelevant files to avoid deleting files that are important and necessary.

Q: Can I delete system files on my Mac to free up space?

A: No, you shouldn’t delete system files on your Mac since they affect the overall functioning of your computer. These files are essential and cannot be removed.

Q: Can I use disk cleanup tools to free up space on my Mac?

A: There are numerous disk cleanup tools available for Macs, most of which work effectively in freeing up space. However, you must be careful when downloading them, ensuring that you download from trusted sources.

Q: How often should I clean up my Mac?

A: You should regularly check your Mac for unneeded files and delete them to free up space. This should be done at least twice a month.

Q: Do I need special knowledge to follow the methods highlighted above?

A: No. The highlighted methods above are easy to follow, and you don’t need any special knowledge or skills to complete them.


In conclusion, storage space is an essential resource for any computer user, including Mac users. It is vital to ensure that you regularly identify files that are taking up much space to free up space on your computer and ensure it runs effectively. Remember to be cautious when deleting files to ensure you don’t delete essential files. Finally, adopt best practices, as highlighted above, in managing your Mac’s storage space.