Tera Term Review – A Comprehensive Tool for Efficient Serial Communication

As a technical blogger, I have often found myself struggling with serial communication issues. Serial communication is the process of sending data one bit at a time, and it’s widely used in various applications, including IoT devices, embedded systems, and sensors. Over the years, I have used several tools to manage serial communication, but I have always found them lacking in one way or another. However, recently, I came across a software that claims to solve all my serial communication issues – Tera Term.

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What is Tera Term?

Tera Term is an open-source, free, and highly customizable terminal emulator program for Windows. It offers a wide range of useful features that can aid in serial communication, including tabbed sessions, macro recording, and support for various communication protocols such as SSH, Telnet, and Serial. The program is lightweight, easy to use, and doesn’t require installation, making it a great tool for technical professionals who work on different systems.


Tera Term is a free and open-source program, with no hidden costs involved. You can download it for free from the official website and start using it immediately.


Tera Term is a highly customizable program that offers an array of features to enhance your experience with serial communication. Here are some of the key features of this tool:

1. User-friendly interface:

Tera Term has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to use, even for novices. The interface is divided into two parts – the top part is the terminal display window where you can view incoming and outgoing data, and the bottom part is the command-line input area.

2. Multiple tabs:

Tera Term supports multiple tabs, which allows you to manage multiple sessions at once. This is particularly useful if you’re working on several serial devices simultaneously.

3. Macro recording:

Tera Term has a macro recording feature that enables you to automate repetitive tasks. This feature is useful when you need to execute a set of commands over and over again.

4. Customizable settings:

Tera Term is highly customizable, and you can modify the settings to suit your preferences. You can change font size, color, background, and even the behavior of the program. The settings menu is comprehensive, and you can fine-tune the program to match your requirements.

Pros & Cons:

Like any other software, Tera Term has its pros and cons. Here is an overview of some of the advantages and disadvantages of using Tera Term for serial communication.


– Tera Term is a free and open-source program, which makes it accessible to everyone.
– The program is highly customizable and offers numerous features to enhance your serial communication experience.
– Tera Term has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use, even for novices.
– The program supports multiple communication protocols, making it compatible with various devices.


– Tera Term is only available for Windows, which limits its accessibility to other operating systems.
– The program can be overwhelming for beginners due to the multitude of features.
– Tera Term has not been updated in years, which may make some users skeptical about its reliability.

Our Thoughts on Tera Term:

Based on our experience with Tera Term, we believe that it is a highly efficient tool for managing serial communication. The tool’s features and customizable settings provide users with a smooth and hassle-free experience, making it easy to work on numerous serial devices simultaneously. Although Tera Term may not be suitable for novices, the tool’s intuitive interface can help them get started.

One of the standout features of Tera Term is its macro recording function. This feature allows you to automate repetitive tasks, saving time and increasing productivity. Additionally, users can change the program’s font size, color, and background to match their preferences, providing a more personal touch.

While Tera Term may not have been updated in years, we believe that it is still a reliable tool for managing serial communication. The program’s stable performance and compatibility with different communication protocols make it a must-have tool for technical professionals and enthusiasts.

What Tera Term Identifies:

Tera Term recognizes and enhances the user’s experience with serial communication. It identifies the need for a tool that can manage multiple serial devices simultaneously and simplifies the process of sending and receiving data. The program’s numerous features and customizable settings make it highly efficient and can help users achieve increased productivity.

How to Use Tera Term?

Using Tera Term is easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Download Tera Term

You can download Tera Term for free from the official website.

Step 2: Install Tera Term

Tera Term does not require installation, and you can extract the program from the downloaded ZIP file.

Step 3: Open Tera Term

Once you have extracted the program, open Tera Term by double-clicking on the file teraterm.exe.

Step 4: Create a New Connection

Click on the "New connection" button to create a new connection. Here, you can configure the connection settings, including baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits.

Step 5: Start a Session

Once you have set up the connection settings, click on the "OK" button to start the session. You can now send and receive data from your serial device.

Step 6: Customize Tera Term

You can customize Tera Term by changing the font size, color, and background to suit your preferences. You can access these settings by clicking on "Setup" and selecting "Terminal."

Alternatives to Tera Term:

While Tera Term is an excellent tool for managing serial communication, here are three alternatives that you can consider:

1. PuTTY

PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulator that supports multiple communication protocols, including SSH, Telnet, and Serial. The program is highly customizable, and you can change the settings to match your preferences. PuTTY is compatible with Windows and Linux, making it a versatile tool for technical professionals.

2. RealTerm

RealTerm is a free terminal program for Windows that offers several advanced features for managing serial communication. The program supports different communication protocols, including TCP/IP, UDP, and Telnet. RealTerm has a user-friendly interface and supports advanced features like sending binary files, scripting, and logging.

3. Termite

Termite is a lightweight and user-friendly terminal emulator for Windows. The program is easy to use, and it supports various communication protocols, including Serial, TCP/IP, and UDP. Termite has a simple interface, and you can customize the settings to match your preferences.

5 FAQs about Tera Term:

Q1: Is Tera Term free to use?

A: Yes, Tera Term is a free and open-source program that you can download from the official website.

Q2: Is Tera Term compatible with Windows 10?

A: Yes, Tera Term is compatible with Windows 10, as well as other versions of Windows.

Q3: Can Tera Term manage multiple serial devices simultaneously?

A: Yes, Tera Term supports multiple tabs, making it easy to manage multiple sessions at once.

Q4: Is macro recording available in Tera Term?

A: Yes, Tera Term has a macro recording feature that allows you to automate repetitive tasks.

Q5: Does Tera Term support SSH and Telnet?

A: Yes, Tera Term supports SSH and Telnet communication protocols, making it a versatile tool for technical professionals.

In Conclusion:

Tera Term is an excellent tool for managing serial communication, with a wide range of features and customizable settings. The program saves time by automating repetitive tasks and supports various communication protocols, making it compatible with different devices. Although the program can be overwhelming for beginners, its user-friendly interface can help them get started. Overall, Tera Term is a must-have tool for technical professionals and enthusiasts who work with serial devices.